Every time my phone gives me an audio notification, it takes me off guard and I freak the hell out, inside my brain. There's got to be a way around that one. You know what? Don't worry about it. I'll think of something.
Sooo, it looks like I'm going to be rearranging some stuff in the narrative. See, originally I wanted to put the beginning in the middle and the middle in the beginning, and then naturally have the end be at the end and nowhere else. But, after some thought, I really think the beginning should be in the beginning, y'know? Yeah, I think that's the ticket. It's not a huge deal, but I wish I would have had it that way originally. I know you know exactly what I mean.
I'm sure that last paragraph was great reading for everybody. Unfortunately, I don't know how my backspace key works. It's genetic. My mom has the same problem.
I should have the initial edit and formatting done in a couple weeks. After that I'm going to give some potential reviewers a gander at it in exchange for an honest review and rating here come Publish Day. If anybody's interested in getting their hands on an advanced reading copy, free of charge, and would be so nice as to rate and review the book when it comes out, we might be able to help each other out. Feel free to send me an email with your contact information if you're interested ([email protected]), and we'll see what happens. No promises, just sending a line out.
Still working on the phone thing. If only there was a way to reduce the noise and, say, have it vibrate or something, instead. I'm going to invent that and get paaaaaaid.
Back to work.
Sooo, it looks like I'm going to be rearranging some stuff in the narrative. See, originally I wanted to put the beginning in the middle and the middle in the beginning, and then naturally have the end be at the end and nowhere else. But, after some thought, I really think the beginning should be in the beginning, y'know? Yeah, I think that's the ticket. It's not a huge deal, but I wish I would have had it that way originally. I know you know exactly what I mean.
I'm sure that last paragraph was great reading for everybody. Unfortunately, I don't know how my backspace key works. It's genetic. My mom has the same problem.
I should have the initial edit and formatting done in a couple weeks. After that I'm going to give some potential reviewers a gander at it in exchange for an honest review and rating here come Publish Day. If anybody's interested in getting their hands on an advanced reading copy, free of charge, and would be so nice as to rate and review the book when it comes out, we might be able to help each other out. Feel free to send me an email with your contact information if you're interested ([email protected]), and we'll see what happens. No promises, just sending a line out.
Still working on the phone thing. If only there was a way to reduce the noise and, say, have it vibrate or something, instead. I'm going to invent that and get paaaaaaid.
Back to work.